Friday, December 28, 2012

More Writing

My father started reading Viral Execution (VE) a few days ago and determined that Chapter 1 just isn't . . . lively enough.

 It needs more actio.

So now that's what I'm working on - 'Actioning' up my Chapter 1   through a total rewrite.

At least I get to wear cool socks while I do it.


  1. My Mom likes your socks, Amanda! They're so festive and fun. =)

  2. I JUST READ NOBLE IMPOSTER IT WAS THE BEST BOOK I EVER READ? I loved the way she was almost a normal girl, but then BAM everyone knew who she was but it was sooooooooo amazing i loved it!!!!! Are you adding a romance into the third book even if your not it will ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. aww please no romances. that is why i love your books they are amazing book and supper fun to read but if you put a romance in it, it would make it like other books. :(

    2. Thank you Sapphira, it's so good to hear when someone enjoys my work. :)

    3. Thank you Sapphira, it's so good to hear when someone enjoys my work. :)

    4. I make no promises about romance. It's all up to the characters and what they decide to do. Now, with that said, I can say that knowing my characters, I think romance is unlikely.

    5. Thank you Sapphira, it's so good to hear when someone enjoys my work. :)

    6. Your welcome and thats ok your books rock anyway i just died when i got to the last page of the book i was like , " NOoooooooo why did it have to end!!!!! "
