Would anyone like to be a pre-publication reader for Noble Imposter?I would like to make a list of people who would be willing to read NI before it is published. If you want to sign up, here are the stipulations:
Just because you're on the list, doesn't mean you'll get to read the book. I don't know for certain if my publisher will do pre-pub readers. This is just so I'll have a list if I need one.
You must write up a review of the book and send it to me.
I'll need your email address and possibly your mailing address, depending on if we do digital versions of the book or hard copies, so if you're under 18, get parental permission first.
I'm looking for people between certain ages to be potential pre-pub readers. I have some ages covered already.
I need 2 girls between the ages of 10 and 15 and 1 boy between the ages of 10 and 15.
I also need one person who has not read Precisely Terminated to read Noble Imposter to make sure it is clear even if you haven't read the first book.
Meet those requirements? Send me a an email (see address below) with your email address, name, and age and I'll put your name on a list. But remember, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll get to read NI before it's published.
Not between those ages but know someone who is? Tell them about it and they can contact me at amanda(at)daviscrossing(dot)com. ( Replace the (at) with an @ and the (dot) with a period.)
Meanwhile, a picture from my front yard.

Along with my cool socks.

Wow! I had no idea your yard was so pretty.