Friday, September 30, 2011
Another Day
Number of Signings: 8
Number of Interviews (Not Including by Email): 3
Places Spoken In:
New Mexico
British Columbia
Places Signed in:
New Mexico
British Columbia
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Seattle, WA
We didn't finish until 9:30PM and then we had to drive from Portland to Auburn, WA! We didn't arrive to our host family's house until around 1.
Today we had only one school event and a dinner with some fans. I got to see a good friend of mine who I haven't seen in awhile.
I updated the tour blog more, so you can read more details there, though not of these days yet.
Number of Speaking Events Total: 30
Number of Signings: 7
Number of Interviews (Not Including by Email): 3
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Albany, OR
We had a school event and a writing workshop today, bringing my total to 25 talks.
We had a book signing at a Barnes and Noble yesterday, but they didn't get Precisely Terminated in in time for the signing! So I sat there and past out bookmarks to people to draw them to the table so they'd look at my dad's books, because the B&N people wouldn't let me sell my books from my inventory, so that doesn't count towards my signing total. ;)
I hope you all are having a wonderful day. I am rather tired, and I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is another school event and another writing workshop.
Announcements on more exciting things to come . . . later. :)
Number of Speaking Events Total: 25
Number of Signings: 7
Number of Interviews (Not Including by Email): 3
States Spoken In:
New Mexico
States Signed in:
New Mexico
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Medford, Oregon
We had THREE book signings today. :)
They were pretty slow, we think it was because of the nice weather.
In other news, the Amazon Blitz went amazingly. :) My amazing readers brought the ranking of Precisely Terminated up to 1,897! Wow!
Thanks so much everyone!
umber of Speaking Events Total: 22
Number of Signings: 7
Number of Interviews (Not Including by Email): 3
States Spoken In:
New Mexico
States Signed in:
New Mexico
Precisely Terminated Amazon Blitz is TODAY!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Redding, California
My dad and I are at the Redding Public library right now in the middle of a writing workshop. I just finished speaking, and I'm working on Noble Imposter, Precisely Terminated's sequel while my dad speaks.
We're heading to Medford, Oregon tonight, four hour drive, should be fun!
I hope to see my friend 'Shalana' here at the library soon. :)
Number of Speaking Events Total: 22
Number of Signings: 4
Number of Interviews (Not Including by Email): 3
States Spoken In:
New Mexico
States Signed in:
New Mexico
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Another Day of Speaking
We spent the morning at a friend's house catching up on things before heading to a school. We had a speaking event before driving to Napa, CA.
We're here for a day and a half until heading north again.
Number of Speaking Events Total: 18
Number of Signings: 4
Number of Interviews (Not Including by Email): 3
States Spoken In:
New Mexico
States Signed in:
New Mexico
Monday, September 19, 2011
A Day of Rest?
We were going, going, going all day long and had lots of delays, including a flat tire and I've just been run ragged today, so not much of an update. :)
Number of Speaking Events Total: 17
Number of Signings: 4
Number of Interviews (Not Including by Email): 3
States Spoken In:
New Mexico
States Signed in:
New Mexico
Sunday, September 18, 2011
I wanted to update here today to add up all the events I've done so far. I want to keep track so when I've reached 1,000 or something, we can celebrate. Maybe do a book giveaway. ;)
So here is my total event count.
Number of Speaking Events Total: 15
Number of Signings: 4
Number of Interviews (Not Including by Email): 3
States Spoken In:
New Mexico
States Signed in:
New Mexico
We've been rather busy the past few days, getting up at 6AM and staying up until 12AM. Noble Imposter, the sequel to Precisely Terminated isn't growing very quickly because of this delay, but I think I can still get it turned in on time.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tour Day Two - Dallas, TX Area
We'll be keeping track of our day to day mileage and the trip total as well.
Today we traveled around the Dallas, Texas area. First we visited a home school group, then a Christian school, and then a youth group.
It'll take me a moment to collect my thoughts. It's 11 PM, and I've been up since 6ish, so I am rather tired. This hotel room is also uncommonly cold. But I shall survive. :)
My dad did most of the talking at this one, but I did a short little speech in there, too.
This school was very receptive, we spoke to the 3 - 8th graders, I believe.
We were impressed.
This last group was great and listened attentively and seemed to really get something out of our message. I hope they did, anyway. :)
It took us awhile to get back to the hotel because our GPS decided to suddenly freeze and not tell us anything for a few minutes. We had to reboot it before it would do anything. No idea why it did that, but now it's fine again, we're safely back at the hotel and I am going to bed.
We do have a video coming up, but it's too late to be doing that tonight. It has our 'word of the day' in it, too. Read more about that in the contest rules. :) I hope to post the video tomorrow.
On The Road to Texas
Today is the first day of the Davis Crossing Tour!
Of course all we’re doing today is traveling, but one must do that to get to events. J Unfortunately, our teleporter is currently out of commission. My hippopotamus sat on it. You can see his picture later in this post.
I washed the van this morning so we could put the nifty tour magnets on the side. Then I had to get cleaned up just 15 minutes before we pulled out of the driveway. Hence why my hair is wet in these pictures.
We didn’t leave until around 11AM this morning because it’s only eight hours to Dallas, our destination, and we haven’t any events until tomorrow at 9AM.
The morning hours were spent with last minute preparations. We had to unpack the van and pack the trailer because it was deemed that the van could not hold all the weight, though everything did fit inside! So we’re bringing the trailer with us on all our stops in the USA. We’ll have to leave it in Seattle when we go to Canada—too much of a hassle to bring across the border.
and my dad is holding Vinnie, the official tour rat.
We passed through Mississippi first, but I failed to get a picture of the welcome sign, sorry. I did, however, get a picture of the Tennessee welcome sign when we reentered TN on our way to Memphis. That’s the way the route goes.
As I am writing this blog post, we are driving through Arkansas. We saw a crop duster plane a few minutes ago, which was interesting. It’s cool to see them swoop over the fields and turn around for another pass.
Today’s state count will be four once we reach Texas. Four if you count Tennessee, that is. Some people might not, seeing as it’s where we started, but I do. It is a state after all.
I hope to see a lot of people at our events tomorrow!
See the blog this post is from here
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Going on an Book Tour
It's going to either turn us into zombies or . . . something. We'll see at the end, now won't we. :)
I plan on living off of Dr. Pepper and Reese's Cups most of the time.
We leave on September 13th for Dallas, Texas with three school visits on our first official day of the tour, September 14th.
Now, since I am a first time novelist, I have never really given author talks, or writing seminars, or spoken in front of hundreds of people, so this will be very interesting. At home I am naturally a quiet person. I spend my days sewing, spinning, or writing, and rarely say much of anything verbally, so my voice is not very loud or strong.
If I talk for more than 20 minutes, I get a sore throat, if I have a 1 1/2 hour conversation, I lose my voice. That being said. This is going to be a very fun experience, getting my voice into shape.
My dad, on the other hand, can talk for 5 hours and be fine. After seven years of touring and giving author talks, that's as it should be, yes?
I hope to update here quite frequently as we travel. Also you can check out our tour blog at We plan on posting contests, pictures, and some videos from our experiences on the road. It should be a lot of fun, so I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd check it out. :)
On this tour, we will be traveling to approximately 31 states and British Columbia.
How many states have you visited?
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Precisely Terminated Amazon Blitz
Ever heard of an Amazon Blitz?
It's where a group of people buy a specific product (usually a book or movie) on a specified day to help boost that item's ranking. Boosting a ranking helps the item get recognition by people who are perusing Amazon and helps the author get known (If it's a book).
I'm doing one of these blitzes for Precisely Terminated and would love it if anyone here could participate. :)
Details below:
Time: September 24, all day long
Activity: Buy Precisely Terminated at on that date.
Purpose: To help get Precisely Terminated known and to boost its ranking on Amazon. Also, you’ll be getting a great book. ;)
Reward: If you email me on September 24 with proof of purchase from Amazon, I will send you an autographed adhesive label to put in the book as well as a bookmark. The label will have a graphic of Precisely Terminated on it. You'll also get a big hearty THANK YOU!
Proof of purchase can be the email Amazon sends you to confirm your order.
We really want to get Precisely Terminated’s Amazon book ranking as high as we can, so please participate if you are able. :)
I will try to be on my author page, doing Q&A and posting ranking updates during this event. Please come and hang out and ask questions.
Link to Amazon: