Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Albany, OR

Hello from Albany, Oregon. :)

We had a school event and a writing workshop today, bringing my total to 25 talks.

We had a book signing at a Barnes and Noble yesterday, but they didn't get Precisely Terminated in in time for the signing! So I sat there and past out bookmarks to people to draw them to the table so they'd look at my dad's books, because the B&N people wouldn't let me sell my books from my inventory, so that doesn't count towards my signing total. ;)

I hope you all are having a wonderful day. I am rather tired, and I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is another school event and another writing workshop.

Announcements on more exciting things to come . . . later. :)

Number of Speaking Events Total: 25
Number of Signings: 7
Number of Interviews (Not Including by Email): 3

States Spoken In:

New Mexico

States Signed in:

New Mexico

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